SANCTUM DOMINE: JURNAL TEOLOGI <p>SANCTUM DOMINE:&nbsp; Jurnal Teologi is a Christian theological journal focused on publishing original research articles, review articles from contributors, and current finding related to theological issues. The main objective of SANCTUM DOMINE:&nbsp; Jurnal Teologi is to provide a platform for scholars, academicians, and researchers to share thoughts in theological discourses, especially related to Wesleyan-Arminian theology. The journal scope covers the fields of Old and New Testament Biblical Studies, Christian Education, and Christian Theology. The articles published in this journal are written in either English or Indonesian language and have been approved by an editorial team prior to publishing. 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The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as&nbsp;<a id="src-publicity-privacy-or-moral-rights" href="">publicity, privacy, or moral rights&nbsp;</a>may limit how you use the material.</p> Pastoral Guidance for Congregations in the Era of Society 5.0 <p><em>The era of Society 5.0 represents a period in which advanced technology and humans are increasingly integrated, creating significant transformations in social and cultural life. This article explores the role and challenges of pastoral counseling in the Society 5.0 era. This research employs a qualitative approach, combined with a literature review, to understand the role of pastoral counseling in the context of the Society 5.0 era. In the face of rapid technological advancements and social changes, pastoral counseling plays a key role in assisting congregations in comprehending and responding wisely to the dynamics of Society 5.0. The results of this study identify relevant approaches, such as education on technology and ethics, collaboration with technology experts, and a strong spiritual approach. Pastoral counseling that aligns with Christian values can be a robust source of support for congregations as they navigate meaningful lives in the increasingly complex Society 5.0 era.</em></p> Samuel Herman Yanto Paulus Hermanto Copyright (c) 2023 SANCTUM DOMINE: JURNAL TEOLOGI 2023-12-15 2023-12-15 13 1 1 18 10.46495/sdjt.v13i1.199 The Quality of the Righteous in the Midst of Postmodernism's Relativity <p><em>Today, Christianity is facing a decline in morals and faith in the era of progress and advancement. The current generation lacks an understanding of the importance of moral ethics in building healthy and proper relationships. The Post-Modernism era has brought a mindset of relativism, making it easier for people to weigh everything, including technology. The purpose of this article is to explore the meaning of the righteous person in Genesis 18:16-33 the relevance of the life righteous in the postmodern era. The method presented in this writing is by using the Narrative Criticism approach to the book of Genesis 18:16-33, where Abraham converses with God in his intercession for Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham seeks to advocate for the "righteous people" so that God may spare the city, but the number he proposes is not fulfilled. And ultimately, the profound meaning of the "righteous people" is those who live according to divine law and have faith in God. In the postmodern era, views on truth are relative, but Abraham's story shows that God still values the existence of righteous individuals amidst moral decay. Believers need to uphold religious values and become examples that glorify God in facing the changes of time.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Samuel Wasikin Verry Willyam Copyright (c) 2023 SANCTUM DOMINE: JURNAL TEOLOGI 2023-12-15 2023-12-15 13 1 19 36 10.46495/sdjt.v13i1.198 Is it true that the Third Servant is Lazy and Wicked? <p><em>The “classical” reading of Matthew 25:14-30 has always referred to the third servant as being unfaithful to his master and to what his master entrusted to him. “Talents” are always considered as “gifts” given by God that must always be developed by human. This reading also “seems” to negate the objections that appear in the text, when the third servant gives resistance to the master. But does this parable really show that the third servant is lazy and wicked, and does it really “only” speak of God’s gift? This paper will present a critical-alternative reading of Matthew 25:14-30. Using the narrative approach method, there are at least four readings of this parable, which are (1) Jesus is/was doing the third servant; (2) the third servant is a good servant; (3) this parable is not about gifts; and the possibility that (4) Matthew’s Gospel is “hiding” something; that the answer to the parable in Matthew 25:14-30 is in Matthew 25:31-46. That is why the parable of the talents must be read together with the story of the last judgement.</em></p> Carel Hot Asi Siburian Copyright (c) 2023 SANCTUM DOMINE: JURNAL TEOLOGI 2023-12-15 2023-12-15 13 1 37 58 10.46495/sdjt.v13i1.200 God the Household Manager <p><em>As modern people, Christians often come to the book of Genesis, especially regarding the events of creation, with a scientific lens to seek answers to objections such as creation ex nihilo, regarding the age of the earth, as well as material things. John H. Walton proposed reading the creation story through a functional lens (creating order) rather than a material one. The researcher was then interested in seeing God as the ruler of the household through Walton's thoughts regarding women, especially housewives who are often seen as inferior to men who work or produce something. This paper uses a qualitative approach with data collection methods in the form of literature studies, especially regarding Walton's thoughts. The results of this research show that even on the first page of the book of Genesis, God has introduced himself as the God who brings order, the God who provides functions, and the God who regulates households which is also resonant with the function of housewives who are often discriminated against. </em></p> Senopati Salomo Olimbovo Grant Nixon Copyright (c) 2023 SANCTUM DOMINE: JURNAL TEOLOGI 2023-12-15 2023-12-15 13 1 59 76 10.46495/sdjt.v13i1.206 Grief Pastoral Counseling <p><em>The event of death can lead to sorrow or grief, which is an emotional response to the loss experienced by someone due to the passing of a loved one. One of the ministries that a church can provide to grieving members is through the approach of pastoral grief counseling. The research was conducted using a qualitative method, namely a literature review. From the research results, it was found that effective pastoral grief counseling can be built based on the stages of grief by Kubler Ross, which are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. Through this approach, church members can be helped to go through a healthy grieving process, so that ultimately those who are mourning do not experience negative impacts from the grief they are going through.</em></p> Thony Ronaldo Nugroho Yanto Paulus Hermanto Copyright (c) 2023 SANCTUM DOMINE: JURNAL TEOLOGI 2023-12-16 2023-12-16 13 1 77 94 10.46495/sdjt.v13i1.203 Leadership Style of Female Pastors in Responding to Patriarchal Culture in the Church <p><em>This paper tries to seek&nbsp; how should the leadership model of woman Pastor be done in response to the impact of patriachal tradition in the Church.&nbsp; In view of this aim, through quality methode this paper firstly investigates the essence of man as God’s image the real and true leader, and secondly explores the character and the influence of&nbsp; patriachal tradition in the Church. Having doing the research, it is found that both man and woman are really mankind so that the two, constitutes human being by nature are called to manifest and to reflex the leadership of God in their life. The first Adam failed to comply&nbsp; and to actualise this mission. That is why the eart rejoices in peace which is designed by God&nbsp; does not come true. Jesus Christ as the second&nbsp; Adam, succes to put into practise the leadership of God. In his such leadership, Jesus does really honor the humanity, love the togetherness or unity and glorify the equality.&nbsp; Patriachal&nbsp; system which has last for years, both outside and inside the Church, is culture that perceives and put man is higher than woman. For this reason, man’s leadership is considered more glorious than woman’s leadership.&nbsp; Since that, in patrichal&nbsp; culture man is preferable and is more accepted to be a leader compare to woman. Up to now, the impact of patriachal tradition does still exsists in the Church. In response to and especially in overcoming the impact of patriachal tradition&nbsp; in the Church, women Pastors are called to be pioneer to practise the leadership of Jesus in their leadership, that is leadership model which honor the humanity, love the togetherness, and glorify the equality.</em></p> Sapto Sunariyanti I Made Priana Copyright (c) 2023 SANCTUM DOMINE: JURNAL TEOLOGI 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 13 1 95 112 10.46495/sdjt.v13i1.185 The Antithesis of the Character-Consequence Word Pattern in Proverbs 28:20 as a Believer's Life Quality in Overcoming Online Gambling <p><em>Proverbs 28:20 is one of the passages that emphasizes the antithesis between a trustworthy person and a person who wants to get rich quickly based on the character-consequence pattern of speech (the character-consequence pattern is a structural pattern in the book of Proverbs that takes into account character actions and the consequences that will be received). The tendency of people today is to live materialistically which encourages someone to get rich quickly through shortcuts, namely online gambling, thus damaging the quality of life of believers. The purpose of this study is to provide a reference for every believer to have to build the right quality of life so as not to fall into the trap of online gambling. By using a qualitative method with sub-intrepetative design, especially wisdom literature hermeneutics, to examine the analysis of the character-consequence pattern of Proverbs 28:20, this article finds three interrelated character-forming factors, namely: first, faithfulness, as the main character-forming factor because it relates to integrity; second, the patience factor, which is an important factor that prevents making wrong and hasty decisions; third, the obedience factor, which guarantees the right decision in the face of various challenges to persist through the process to the end so that believers avoid punishment. This study serves as an input and warning for everyone to have good character in accordance with Biblical values so as to become a trustworthy person.</em></p> Aska Pattinaja Zefanya Puryana Farel Yosua Sualang Copyright (c) 2023 SANCTUM DOMINE: JURNAL TEOLOGI 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 13 1 113 134 10.46495/sdjt.v13i1.212 The Implementation of Problem Based Learning Strategy with Biblical Christian Insights to Motivate Student Engagement <p><em>Student activeness is one of the main factors determining the success of learning. The learning strategy used by the teacher will greatly determine student activity in class. Mistakes in choosing a learning strategy will make students passive in class. The passive attitude of students will make them unable to learn optimally. Therefore, it is important for teachers to design learning that can facilitate students being actively involved in every learning process. Not only that, it is important for every Christian educator to design active and meaningful learning so that students also get the opportunity to admire God in the learning process. The strategy taken is the Problem Based Learning strategy with Biblical Christian insights because the main goal is not only for students to be active but also for students to admire God more through the concepts learned in class. The purpose of this study is to describe the application of Problem Based Learning strategy with Biblical Christian insights in order to motivate student activeness. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The research was conducted in one of the Christian schools in Tangerang which was lasted for one month. The results showed that the application of Problem Based Learning strategies with Biblical Christian insights was carried out through five stages, namely orienting, organizing, assisting problem investigation, developing and presenting student work, analyzing and evaluating the problem-solving process, which successfully motivated student activeness in learning with the topic of expansion. </em></p> Fery Mallappa Kurniawati Martha Copyright (c) 2023 SANCTUM DOMINE: JURNAL TEOLOGI 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 13 1 135 154 10.46495/sdjt.v13i1.213 YHWH Ekhad in Deuteronomy 6:4 as the Basis of Monotheistic Teaching Calling <p><em>The issue of Deuteronomy 6:4, which includes the monotheistic creed of Shema Yisrael, is often interpreted solely in the context of monotheistic dogmatics. Deuteronomy 6:4 is not limited to the framework of monotheistic dogma but also has an educational and legal dimension that shapes the moral identity of Israel. This article is an attempt to develop the concept that within the teaching of monotheism lies an effort to form the moral and identity of believers. The article proposes the idea that the call "Hear, O Israel" reflects a rhetoric repeated in Deuteronomy, and the imperative verb "to hear" is considered a fundamental call to monotheistic dogma. Israel's response to this call is deemed crucial because listening to God is indicated by remaining faithful to monotheistic dogma and loving God wholeheartedly. The call to listen is conveyed to the new generation of Israel. The importance of listening and responding to this call is illustrated through the phrase "Shema Israel," which asks Israel to acknowledge that Yahweh is One. Yahweh Ekhad has an educational and legal role in shaping and affirming the moral identity of Israel by emphasizing the importance of teaching and observing the law in response to the call to listen. The relationship between monotheism, religious education, and moral identity in the context of Deuteronomy 6:4 emphasizes the importance of listening and responding to God's call as the foundation for obedience and realization of the monotheistic identity of Israel.</em></p> Noh Ibrahim Boiliu Copyright (c) 2023 SANCTUM DOMINE: JURNAL TEOLOGI 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 13 1 155 176 10.46495/sdjt.v13i1.211 Interpretation of Divorce and Remarriage in Matthew 5:32 <p><em>Divorce and remarriage are common things in today's post-modern society. Both of these practices are also commonly found in the lives of Christians. This is due to a lack of proper understanding of the Christian view of divorce and remarriage to those who have been divorced. In order to understand this, the author tries to build an understanding of Christian teachings through the text of Matthew 5:32. The method used to reveal the essence of true teaching is a grammatical-contextual exegesis approach. The grammatical-contextual method pays attention to the original grammatical rules and the context of the text to be studied. The results show that Jesus taught that both divorce and marriage to a divorced person are serious matters. Divorce as a result of adultery or marriage to someone who has been divorced is mentioned as sexual immorality in Matthew 5:32. This behavior causes a person to place the burden of sin on divorced husbands, divorced wives and even husbands who take divorced wives to bear the same sin of adultery and live in adultery.</em></p> Rick Gamelia Arif Wicaksono Marthin Steven Lumingkewas Copyright (c) 2023 SANCTUM DOMINE: JURNAL TEOLOGI 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 13 1 177 196 10.46495/sdjt.v13i1.214 Theology of Religions in the Lens of Pentecostal Hospitality <p><em>The multi-religious reality in Indonesia is a necessity. Religion has the highest value in the social life of people in Indonesia. Therefore, religion is used as a source of inspiration that regulates the survival of interfaith life. However, differences in religion can be a source of problems if they are not able to be managed properly. Conflicts and violence on behalf of religious defenders are prevalent in Indonesian society. The Holy Spirit that dwells in Pentecostal believers should bring hospitality in society. Therefore, a systematic construction of the position and relationship of Pentecostal hospitality with the theology of religions is needed. The research method used is descriptive-intrepretative qualitative and the analysis uses comparative and argumentative approaches. The results show that Pentecostal Hospitality brings grace to society at large. The Holy Spirit is the one who enables Pentecostals to do comparative and pericoretic theology in relation to religions.</em></p> Anggi Maringan Hasiholan Joshua Alvis Stevenson Copyright (c) 2023 SANCTUM DOMINE: JURNAL TEOLOGI 2023-12-16 2023-12-16 13 1 197 216 10.46495/sdjt.v13i1.195