When Apologetic End Up in Court

Establishing a Theological Basis for Apologetic Attitudes in the Archipelago


  • Julitinus Harefa Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Sola Gratia, Indonesia
  • Harman Ziduhu Laia Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia, Surabaya
  • Elisua Hulu Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Sola Gratia, Indonesia




Apologetic, Indonesian, Christian, Criminal, Theological


This writing employs a qualitative approach to the method of literature research. In their apologetic activities, several Indonesian Christian apologists ended up in court because they were caught in blasphemy laws. The reason is that Christian apologists often consider acts of offense (attacking) other religious beliefs to be included in the scope of Christian apologetics. The Bible does not justify acts of apologetics to insult and demean other religious beliefs but to correct existing misunderstandings. An arrogant attitude in apologetics will cause new problems for apologists by trying to build a wall of enmity (separator) between opponents and the gospel that is conveyed so that it opens opportunities for the gospel to be reviled and rejected, as well as building a bad mindset about the gospel because Christian apologetics is not to win an argument but to pave the way for preaching the Gospel of Christ. Because the success of an apologist lies in a respectful and gentle attitude and behavior accompanied by a pure heart. So the research objective of this scientific paper is to expose the attitude that Indonesian apologists should have and to open the curtain on understanding misunderstandings in understanding offense perspective apologetics.


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How to Cite

Harefa, J., Laia, H. Z. ., & Hulu, E. (2023). When Apologetic End Up in Court: Establishing a Theological Basis for Apologetic Attitudes in the Archipelago. SANCTUM DOMINE: JURNAL TEOLOGI, 12(2), 77–96. https://doi.org/10.46495/sdjt.v12i2.152


