Leadership Style of Female Pastors in Responding to Patriarchal Culture in the Church

  • Sapto Sunariyanti Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Nazarene Indonesia
  • I Made Priana Indonesian Nazarene Theological College, Yogyakarta
Keywords: leadership, patriachal, pastor, woman


This paper tries to seek  how should the leadership model of woman Pastor be done in response to the impact of patriachal tradition in the Church.  In view of this aim, through quality methode this paper firstly investigates the essence of man as God’s image the real and true leader, and secondly explores the character and the influence of  patriachal tradition in the Church. Having doing the research, it is found that both man and woman are really mankind so that the two, constitutes human being by nature are called to manifest and to reflex the leadership of God in their life. The first Adam failed to comply  and to actualise this mission. That is why the eart rejoices in peace which is designed by God  does not come true. Jesus Christ as the second  Adam, succes to put into practise the leadership of God. In his such leadership, Jesus does really honor the humanity, love the togetherness or unity and glorify the equality.  Patriachal  system which has last for years, both outside and inside the Church, is culture that perceives and put man is higher than woman. For this reason, man’s leadership is considered more glorious than woman’s leadership.  Since that, in patrichal  culture man is preferable and is more accepted to be a leader compare to woman. Up to now, the impact of patriachal tradition does still exsists in the Church. In response to and especially in overcoming the impact of patriachal tradition  in the Church, women Pastors are called to be pioneer to practise the leadership of Jesus in their leadership, that is leadership model which honor the humanity, love the togetherness, and glorify the equality.


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