Menerima Karunia Selibat: Karunia yang Khas dari Allah (Eksegesa 1 Korintus 7:7)

  • Kezia Hutagalung Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Nazarene Indonesia
Keywords: Paul, Corinthians, married, unmarried, gift, according to Gospel


Paul as the founder of the Corinthians church, he wrote this letter when he was in Ephesians. Specially in this part, Paul answered the questions from them about someone should get merried or not, that is depend their gift from God. Related to the Corinthians life, they are still affected by the dirtiness, also with the assumption of some congregations that it is better not to mary so they can live according to the gospel.


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Brill, J. Wesley, Tafsiran Surat Korintus Pertama, Bandung: Yayasan Kalam Hidup, 1994.

Pr, St. Darmawijaya, Sekilas Bersama Paulus, Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1992.

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Aplikasi Alkitab Android

Aplikasi Android BIMK, Versi 4.5.7, SABDA dan Tim Alkitab Android 2019.

Aplikasi Android FAYH, Versi 4.5.7, SABDA dan Tim Alkitab Android 2019.

Aplikasi Android VMD, Versi 4.5.7, SABDA dan Tim Alkitab Android 2019.

Aplikasi Android NET, Versi 4.5.7, SABDA dan Tim Alkitab Android 2019.

Aplikasi Android KJV, Versi 4.5.7, SABDA dan Tim Alkitab Android 2019.

Aplikasi Android NIV, Versi 5.3, NIV dan Tim Alkitab Android 2019.

Hebrew/Greek Interlinear Bible, British and Foreign Bible Society, 2019, Hagios Tech, Inc. Versi 22-b190811.

E – Sword Bible, Rick Meyers, 2008
